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Tag: API

Power Automate Flows as API

Power Automate Flows as API

Did you ever create an API based on Power Automated Flows as endpoints? You might be wondering, why would you do that? Trust me sometimes there is a reason. Furthermore, with the growing Citizen Developer Community and the amount of Power Platform solutions being created, this will become increasingly important in the future. If you have joined my session Power Automate Flows as API at the Azure Developer Community Day 2022 at Microsoft in Munich, you already know the story….

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Transforming API Responses

Transforming API Responses

Custom connectors are amazing to consume external APIs in Canvas Apps or Power Automate Flows. But what are you doing, when the external API response does not fit for you? To be honest, this week I had the same issue with an own API. I set up my custom connector and everything was fine. The connector worked as expected and my operation provided a response. So far so good… But, on the second look, I found out my response won’t…

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Dataverse Summit 2022

Dataverse Summit 2022

Wondering how to access data in Business Central from Dataverse? There are a many ways to combine these two worlds. Join my session to learn how quickly you can connect and transfer data using either connectors or virtual tables. Join my session “Let’s connect: Dataverse & Business Central” during the Dataverse Summit 2022!

API Design for PowerApps @ Azure Developer Community Day 2021

API Design for PowerApps @ Azure Developer Community Day 2021

Power Apps are amazing! Any Citizen Developer can digitalise fantastic processes if they have the APIs they need. In my session, I show Pro-Developers tricks for providing missing APIs in Azure. Azure Logic Apps, for example, help me to setup quickly and with almost with no code such missing APIs. But the complexity increases mostly during development. A single Azure Logic App suddenly grows into 10 or 20. As a consequence, my Power App has 20 custom connectors. This is…

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Power Apps – Error Handling for APIs

Power Apps – Error Handling for APIs

Custom Connectors and APIs are a pleasure for Power Apps. I can access my needed data, the setup is very fast, and finally I can use the methods of my connector from my Power App. This works fine, except when my API call fails. How can I handle such errors in my PowerApps? Is there something like a Try-Catch-Block? To be honest, it took me a while to find a setup that works for me. So let me first explain…

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Uploading a file from MSDyn365BC as “multipart/form-data” message

Uploading a file from MSDyn365BC as “multipart/form-data” message

Yes, uploading a file from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to a Web API sounds easy because Microsoft AL provides all these new and cool objects like JsonObject, HttpRequest, HttpResponse and HttpClient. But sometimes the devil is in the detail…“How-to setup the corret HttpRequest message with all the needed HttpHeaders and how-to add the file content?” Swagger “Web API” Definition Good news, my Web API provide a Swagger definition. Now I see what is needed. Swagger-UI visualization display the API…

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Upload files into your Azure Storage with Dynamics 365 Business Central

Upload files into your Azure Storage with Dynamics 365 Business Central

This open source library uses the Azure Blob Service from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to access your storage account, containers and blobs. See also here: Blob Service REST API Disclaimer: …please keep in mind, this example does not cover every aspects and is provided “AS IS”. Feel free to improve, contribute, use this API as an inspiration or contact me, if you have some ideas πŸ˜‰ Authentication In each scenario, authentication is in my opinion the hardest challenge. Azure Blob Service API is an important service…

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IoT C2D Messages from Dynamics 365 Business Central

IoT C2D Messages from Dynamics 365 Business Central

My example invoke an Azure IoT Hub Device Method from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Required information to send a message to from IoT Hub to the IoT Device endpoint are: IoT Hub Uri IoT Device Id IoT Hub SaS Token for authorization A device method will be invoked by calling the method on the Device Twin by using this Url: (API Documentation – Invoke Device Method) The message content is Json. Key methodName specify the called method and payload contains the data (parameters) for…

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A MSDyn365BC API for Azure IoT Hub API

A MSDyn365BC API for Azure IoT Hub API

IoT is an important part of our current technology. With Azure IoT Hub we are able to start as quick as possible. This platform allows to connect, configure and manage IoT Devices, IoT Edge Devices, Device Twins, Configurations and much more. My example show the integration of IoT Hub functionality in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central by using the IoT Hub Rest API. Well you might do this in CAL or C/Side, but I want to show the future and with MSDyn365BC I use the new…

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