Testing my AI solution with Azure AI Studio

Testing my AI solution with Azure AI Studio

I began this journey into Application Lifecycle Management for AI applications by introducing ALM in AI Studio (Getting started with ALM in AI Studio). Moreover, I provided a brief overview of Azure AI Studio and the definition phase to you. Subsequently, we explored the Azure AI Studio Development Process in depth. I detailed how I developed my example solution. Today, I will proceed to discuss how I’m running a streamlined test process in Azure AI Studio for my AI solution as part…

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Custom Connector for Container Apps with Easy Auth Security

Custom Connector for Container Apps with Easy Auth Security

You may have read in my previous blog posts that I prefer deploying my APIs and AI solutions as Microsoft Containerized Apps. The reason for this is that containerized apps provide me with an ideal balance between scalability and pricing. In this post, I will explain how to enhance the security of these APIs. Specifically, I will show you how to set up  – Easy Auth – which means authentication for container apps and correctly configure security in a custom…

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Azure AI Studio – AI Development Process

Azure AI Studio – AI Development Process

Are you ready for the next steps? In my last blog post Getting started with ALM in AI Studio I described how-to define an AI use case in Azure AI Studio. I have written down my objective for my use case, prepared my sample data and created a basic prompt for my AI application. Finally, I drafted my solution set. Today, I will continue the application lifecycle management (ALM) process and explain to you how I’ll start developing my example…

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Azure AI Studio – Getting started with ALM!

Azure AI Studio – Getting started with ALM!

Hey there! I love talking about the principles of application lifecycle management (ALM) because it’s a crucial aspect of developing successful applications. I know it might sound boring, but trust me, it’s not! Understanding and implementing ALM from the beginning can simplify the development, usage, and management of your applications. This is especially important for Generative AI applications. I discovered that Azure AI Studio can be a great tool to get started with ALM for your Generative AI solutions. The…

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Using GenAI – Meeting Minutes Copilot

Using GenAI – Meeting Minutes Copilot

As a citizen developer it’s so easy to use generative AI. In one of my last blog posts, I outlined the use case of generating meeting minutes from a meeting protocol. Furthermore, I explained the technical details of my meeting minute service. Today I will show you how I build a meeting minutes copilot. Correctly, I’m talking about building a copilot. Copilot is formerly known as Power Virtual Agent. Moreover, you might have noticed this when you navigate to https://powerva.microsoft.com/:…

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Using GenAI: “AI convert into my Time Zone!”

Using GenAI: “AI convert into my Time Zone!”

Do you also struggle with converting time zones into your local time? I do, and most of the time, I use tools to help me with this kind of problem. But did you know that you can treat converting time zones also as a language problem? Today, I will show you an example of how I use Azure OpenAI to master this challenge for me. I let the AI convert appointment proposals from an email into my own time zone….

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Using GenAI – Meeting Minutes Service

Using GenAI – Meeting Minutes Service

In one of my last blog post I outlined the use case of generating meeting minutes from a meeting protocol. Furthermore, I have shown how I tested my concept in a simple way and then designed a solution. For the sake of simplicity, I have not yet explained the technical part of creating the meeting minutes. This means, I will share this time more details about my Meeting Minutes API in Microsoft Azure with you. Before I start, I select…

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Amazon S3 Bucket (Independent Publisher)

Amazon S3 Bucket (Independent Publisher)

Using AWS S3 buckets from Microsoft Power Platform is limited when you use standard connectors. In other words, you can list buckets and read the content of objects. But you can’t move your data to an AWS S3 bucket with the standard connector. So, what can I do? Right, a custom connector for AWS S3 is the solution. But my journey to a working connector was not so easy as expected. In other words, I faced challenges and solved a…

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Getting started with Azure AI Studio

Getting started with Azure AI Studio

Will the development of new AI applications within the Microsoft ecosystem become easier in the future? That’s a good question, because Azure AI Studio is currently in preview. The documentation and marketing videos are promising a lot. But what’s behind the scenes? That’s why I’m writing this blog post to share my first impressions with you. Benefits of Azure AI Studio Ok, let me start and answer an important question: Why should I use Azure AI Studio? Microsoft docs says…

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JSON Pivoting in Power Automate

JSON Pivoting in Power Automate

Transforming objects in Power Automate is mostly a challenge. Here is an example for you. Let’s imagine, I want to convert a JSON array of key-value pairs into an object in my Power Automate Flow. Correct, I want some kind of pivoting. In detail, here is my JSON array which I want to pivot: The result should be a single object: Ok, let’s start. JSON Array pivot into an Object as Power Automate Flow First, I’m creating a new Power…

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