Adding GitHub Reviewers with Power Automate

Adding GitHub Reviewers with Power Automate

As a software developer or a team lead, you know the importance of code reviews in ensuring the quality and maintainability of your codebase. However, managing and assigning reviewers for your GitHub pull requests can be a time-consuming and tedious task, especially if you have a large team or multiple projects to manage. In addition, assigning reviewers by policy is not always sufficient, and manually assigning special reviewers does not scale. That’s why I want to introduce you to Power…

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Analyse your Dynamics Data in AWS

Analyse your Dynamics Data in AWS

In this post, I’ll show you how you can use AWS Cloud to analyze your Dynamics data. As you may know, Dynamics data captures important information about your customer interactions, sales, and other key business processes. Furthermore, analyzing this data can provide valuable insights into operational efficiency, customer behavior, and business performance. Before diving into how to bring Dynamics data into AWS, it’s important to understand why you might want to do so. After all, Microsoft already offers tools like…

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Build a Microservice for Power Platform

Build a Microservice for Power Platform

Building microservices instead of a monolithic system is state of the art. These also apply to Power Platform, PowerApps, and Power Automated Flows. You don’t have to solve every problem with the same technology! In other words, sometimes it’s better to build a microservice for Power Platform to improve your apps and flows. This is especially true if your PowerApps or Power Automated Flows require additional power in terms of speed or functionality for a certain data processing. Here, one…

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Extract IDs as Array in Power Automate

Extract IDs as Array in Power Automate

I want to share a solution that I recently discovered in Power Automate Flow and Logic Apps. It’s a simple yet powerful technique that can help you extract IDs from a JSON object and convert them into an array of numbers. In my case, I needed this array to use as parameters for another Power Automate Flow action. So, if you’re facing a similar challenge, read on to learn how to solve it. In other words, I needed something like…

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Analyse your Solution Dependencies in Dataverse

Analyse your Solution Dependencies in Dataverse

Did you ever try to remove a managed solution from your TEST or PROD environment? Yes? Then you know how to discover solution dependencies in Dataverse. In other words, you are familiar with the challenge of figuring out which solution contains dependencies on another solution to unlock the uninstall process in productive Dataverse environments. And yes, this can be a cumbersome job to collect all these solution dependencies. On the other hand, you get some help from Dataverse. To do…

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Create beautiful Canvas Apps in Dataverse for Teams

Create beautiful Canvas Apps in Dataverse for Teams

Is it possible to create beautiful Canvas Apps in Dataverse for Teams? Yes it is, and the only thing you need to do is to use the “Material Design Component Library for Power Apps” by the one and only M365 Princess Luise Freese and our newest German Microsoft MVP Robin Rosengrün. Both have published last year an amazing open source repository which helps to create a nice looking canvas app in minutes. You get components like an app bar, a…

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Environment Variable Values in Dataverse for Teams

Environment Variable Values in Dataverse for Teams

Where do I change my environment variable values in Dataverse for Teams? Yes, I stumbled upon this simple question last night. I tried to change the values of my environment variables in the usual way. But, I learned again Dateverse for Teams is a little bit different. Long story short: I prepared my session “ALM for Citizen Developers & Admins” for the Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2023. I was importing my solution in Dataverse for Teams within my prepared Power…

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Virtual Tables in Microsoft Dataverse for Teams

Virtual Tables in Microsoft Dataverse for Teams

Playing around with virtual tables made me aware, that this technology is amazing to integrate foreign data into Dataverse. But what is with Dataverse for Microsoft Teams? Can I also setup virtual tables in these environments? Furthermore, setting up virtual tables in Dataverse for Microsoft Teams seems impossible. This is because, you have no option to access the Advanced Setup like in a real Dataverse: Yes, this is because the Advanced Setup is based on the classic CRM interface. And…

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AWS DynamoDB as Virtual Table with CRUD in Dataverse – Part 2

AWS DynamoDB as Virtual Table with CRUD in Dataverse – Part 2

AWS DynamoDB as Virtual Table in Dataverse sounds initially impossible, but it isn’t. The key is to set up an OData service with CRUD functionality. Today I show you how I apply full read and write access from Dataverse to my AWS Data. To shorten a long story, firstly I setup a DynamoDB table as database in AWS. Secondly, I attach this database to my serverless AWS Lambda function, which host my OData API service. Afterwards, I implement create, read,…

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AWS Data in Dataverse with Virtual Table – Part 1

AWS Data in Dataverse with Virtual Table – Part 1

Be brave, be curious, explore new worlds! That’s why I took a look outside of Microsoft. I’m sure it won’t surprise you, but there are other competitors like Amazon and Google that provide cloud offerings. This is one reason why data integration is so important for modern digital enterprises. For example, users often need information from other systems in their business process to make decisions. For Dataverse it doesn’t matter, where these data exist. That’s because I can use more…

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