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Tag: ALM

Testing my AI solution with Azure AI Studio

Testing my AI solution with Azure AI Studio

I began this journey into Application Lifecycle Management for AI applications by introducing ALM in AI Studio (Getting started with ALM in AI Studio). Moreover, I provided a brief overview of Azure AI Studio and the definition phase to you. Subsequently, we explored the Azure AI Studio Development Process in depth. I detailed how I developed my example solution. Today, I will proceed to discuss how I’m running a streamlined test process in Azure AI Studio for my AI solution as part…

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Azure AI Studio – AI Development Process

Azure AI Studio – AI Development Process

Are you ready for the next steps? In my last blog post Getting started with ALM in AI Studio I described how-to define an AI use case in Azure AI Studio. I have written down my objective for my use case, prepared my sample data and created a basic prompt for my AI application. Finally, I drafted my solution set. Today, I will continue the application lifecycle management (ALM) process and explain to you how I’ll start developing my example…

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Azure AI Studio – Getting started with ALM!

Azure AI Studio – Getting started with ALM!

Hey there! I love talking about the principles of application lifecycle management (ALM) because it’s a crucial aspect of developing successful applications. I know it might sound boring, but trust me, it’s not! Understanding and implementing ALM from the beginning can simplify the development, usage, and management of your applications. This is especially important for Generative AI applications. I discovered that Azure AI Studio can be a great tool to get started with ALM for your Generative AI solutions. The…

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Analyse your Solution Dependencies in Dataverse

Analyse your Solution Dependencies in Dataverse

Did you ever try to remove a managed solution from your TEST or PROD environment? Yes? Then you know how to discover solution dependencies in Dataverse. In other words, you are familiar with the challenge of figuring out which solution contains dependencies on another solution to unlock the uninstall process in productive Dataverse environments. And yes, this can be a cumbersome job to collect all these solution dependencies. On the other hand, you get some help from Dataverse. To do…

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CU @ BC Tech Days 2022

CU @ BC Tech Days 2022

There are just a couple days left until the 10th anniversary of BC/Nav Tech Days. I’m very proud that my session and workshops were accepted. Are you curious what I present? Here are a few details… ALM Accelerator 4 Power Platform Microsoft’s Center of Excellence Starter Kit provide amazing components to leverage the adoption, administration, governance and nurturing of the Power Platform. An important one is the ALM Accelerator for Power Platform. This solution helps Makers as well as Pro-Developers…

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Professional ALM for Citizen Developers

Professional ALM for Citizen Developers

In one of my last blog posts, I have shown you my ALM process optimized for my Citizen Developers. I have used a solution based on a Power App and some Power Automate Flows to run a fully automated solution export and import in Dataverse. You remember also my simplified process focused on the needs of a Citizen Developer: This slim process is great for Citizen Developers to get started with ALM. But I’m a Pro Developer – I need…

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Application Lifecycle Management for PowerApps: Citizen Developers

Application Lifecycle Management for PowerApps: Citizen Developers

It took me a while to realize, my Citizen Developers need a simple approach of an Application Lifecycle Management process. In detail, I can’t talk about Git repositories & branches, Azure DevOps, build and release pipelines. This is to technical and out of scope for my Citizen Developers. In conclusion, a classic Citizen Developer ALM process must be simple. For instance, as a Citizen Developer, I develop my Power Apps and Power Automate Flows. Afterwards, I create my release by…

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DynamicsCon 2022 March

DynamicsCon 2022 March

What a great community event the DynamicsCon in March 2022. So many fantastic sessions in parallel and too less time to watch them all. Did you miss one or do you want to see it again? No problem, because all sessions are available on YouTube. Here is my recorded session about Application Lifecycle Management for Pro and Citizen Developers. Enjoy the video:

Let’s start with ALM!

Let’s start with ALM!

Are you a Citizen Developer and new to Microsoft Dataverse? Have you just created and shared your first PowerApps and Power Automate flows? Then the whole chapter of application lifecycle management is certainly completely new to you. That’s okay, because as a Pro Developer, it’s my responsibility to get you on the right track! In my session, I will explain why it makes sense to have a clear environment strategy. Furthermore I’ll show you, how I use solutions to pack…

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Application Lifecycle Management for PowerApps: Tools

Application Lifecycle Management for PowerApps: Tools

Manual work vs. automation? I am definitely someone who automates as much as possible! For this reason I am always looking for Cmdlet’s or suitable APIs. Most important for me is that I can use these tools and scripts for build automation and application lifecycle management. In Dataverse, my manual work is importing and exporting solutions when I transport my canvas apps between my DEV, TEST, and PROD environments. In addition, I want to store the source code of my…

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