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Category: Dataverse

Using Many to Many in Power Automated Flows

Using Many to Many in Power Automated Flows

Ohh – what a challenge before I found a very simple solution for a common problem. I was searching, how I can access my related records from a many-to-many relationship in my Power Automate flow. I was googling and found extremely difficult stuff. Someone have resolved the records by using “FetchXml”, calling APIs, or some Xrm “black magic” with Plugins. No – this is definitely to complicated. Finally I was wondering: Isn’t there a simple way to access my records…

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Professional ALM for Citizen Developers

Professional ALM for Citizen Developers

In one of my last blog posts, I have shown you my ALM process optimized for my Citizen Developers. I have used a solution based on a Power App and some Power Automate Flows to run a fully automated solution export and import in Dataverse. You remember also my simplified process focused on the needs of a Citizen Developer: This slim process is great for Citizen Developers to get started with ALM. But I’m a Pro Developer – I need…

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Business Central & Power Automate Flows

Business Central & Power Automate Flows

One of my personal takeaways from Nordic Days of Knowledge 2022 is definitely the integration of Power Automate in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Since one of the latest releases, I’m now able to run my Power Automate Flows direct with the context of an existing record. Amazing! You might wonder, what is so special? I have such feature already for my Model Driven Apps. Furthermore, there are already Power Automate Flow triggers for the common Business Central events like:…

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Write Less Code – Create reusable Components!

Write Less Code – Create reusable Components!

Component development is not a big deal for me as a Pro-Developer. On the other hand, I recognized during my session at PowerApps Developer Bootcamp our citizen developers need help and examples. For that reason I want to share one example presented in my session. To cut a long story short: Write less code by creating reusable components! The reason is obvious: During development, we generate lots of copy & paste content in our canvas apps. And yes, I also…

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Application Lifecycle Management for PowerApps: Citizen Developers

Application Lifecycle Management for PowerApps: Citizen Developers

It took me a while to realize, my Citizen Developers need a simple approach of an Application Lifecycle Management process. In detail, I can’t talk about Git repositories & branches, Azure DevOps, build and release pipelines. This is to technical and out of scope for my Citizen Developers. In conclusion, a classic Citizen Developer ALM process must be simple. For instance, as a Citizen Developer, I develop my Power Apps and Power Automate Flows. Afterwards, I create my release by…

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DynamicsCon 2022 March

DynamicsCon 2022 March

What a great community event the DynamicsCon in March 2022. So many fantastic sessions in parallel and too less time to watch them all. Did you miss one or do you want to see it again? No problem, because all sessions are available on YouTube. Here is my recorded session about Application Lifecycle Management for Pro and Citizen Developers. Enjoy the video:

Let’s start with ALM!

Let’s start with ALM!

Are you a Citizen Developer and new to Microsoft Dataverse? Have you just created and shared your first PowerApps and Power Automate flows? Then the whole chapter of application lifecycle management is certainly completely new to you. That’s okay, because as a Pro Developer, it’s my responsibility to get you on the right track! In my session, I will explain why it makes sense to have a clear environment strategy. Furthermore I’ll show you, how I use solutions to pack…

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Application Lifecycle Management for PowerApps: Tools

Application Lifecycle Management for PowerApps: Tools

Manual work vs. automation? I am definitely someone who automates as much as possible! For this reason I am always looking for Cmdlet’s or suitable APIs. Most important for me is that I can use these tools and scripts for build automation and application lifecycle management. In Dataverse, my manual work is importing and exporting solutions when I transport my canvas apps between my DEV, TEST, and PROD environments. In addition, I want to store the source code of my…

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Application Lifecycle Management for PowerApps: Solutions

Application Lifecycle Management for PowerApps: Solutions

Once you have started setting up DEV, TEST and PROD environments in Datavers, the next big question arises. How can I transport all my stuff to the next deployment stage? It’s not just my model-driven or canvas apps. I have to take care of their dependencies as well, of course. There are all my used cloud flows, custom connectors, Dataverse tables and much more. In the beginning, as a citizen developer, I transferred every part manually. This means, I exported…

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