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Category: PowerApps

Power Apps – Error Handling for APIs

Power Apps – Error Handling for APIs

Custom Connectors and APIs are a pleasure for Power Apps. I can access my needed data, the setup is very fast, and finally I can use the methods of my connector from my Power App. This works fine, except when my API call fails. How can I handle such errors in my PowerApps? Is there something like a Try-Catch-Block? To be honest, it took me a while to find a setup that works for me. So let me first explain…

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PowerApps – Order by Version Number

PowerApps – Order by Version Number

You know those days when you get stuck on a simple problem? When I recently extended one of our COSMO CONSULT Canvas Apps for our Self Service Management, I had such a day – such a problem: My custom connector to my API provided a list of Azure DevOps Artifacts. Nothing very special, just a list of records. Each record had the app name, version and its URL. You can see an example collection in the following snippet, assigned to…

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PowerApps in Visual Studio Code

PowerApps in Visual Studio Code

I love to create Canvas PowerApps! It’s easy and fast when you stay on basic functionality. On the other side, the effort increases when a PowerApp is growing up. You start using complex layouts in screens. This leads mostly into long function triggers. After a while you need to maintain the app or you want to see a diff between versions. Well, Microsoft has improved the tooling a lot. Unfortunately, it’s still hard to identify changes in your Apps or…

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PowerUp your PowApps with PCF Components

PowerUp your PowApps with PCF Components

Early this year I discovered an announcement about PCF components for the Power Platform. What does this mean? Can I create own powerful components in TypeScript and React, import them into my PowerApps, and add new functionality? Can I perhaps even bypass limitations of standard controls? This all sounds promising, and you know I’m incredibly curious. What more can I say, PCF Components have definitely peaked my interest! As soon as I realized that this preview feature was available in…

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Improving PowerApps by Centralized Processing

Improving PowerApps by Centralized Processing

PowerApps are promoted as Low-Code / No-Code platform to write Apps and this is right! Power users can easily adopt the “programming” language which is similar to the Microsoft Excel Formula language. On the other hand, when developing PowerApps, users tend to duplicate command snippets and code fragments. I did this until I found a way to reduce this redundancy of my code copies in my apps. Let me show you this on a very simple example:Calling a Power Automate…

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Avoiding Parameter Chaos in PowerApps

Avoiding Parameter Chaos in PowerApps

I love PowerApps! This technology gives me the freedom to create a portable user interface (UI) for my demos in a couple of minutes. Well, sometimes it takes a little bit longer, especially when… Direct before NAV TechDays 2019 I decided to create a PowerApp to demonstrate the power of our Intelligent ERP framework. To execute the needed API calls I attached a Power Automate flow to my PowerApp. During setup of the flow I played a little bit to…

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Business Central – Custom Filter Tokens – in a Helloween Special for Directions EMEA

Business Central – Custom Filter Tokens – in a Helloween Special for Directions EMEA

Why not! It’s Halloween and it’s time to have fun! I created a little PowerApp which capture your hidden mystic Halloween personalities. Dependent on #AI Face Recognition, your “Special Halloween Profession” is Wizard, Zombie or …  BTW – Meet us at Directions EMEA to find your “Special Halloween Profession”! But, let’s bring it back to a serious context and see how Custom Filter Tokens are used. My Halloween characters can be Wizards, Undead or Others. The real filters are complex. But I can improve the usability by using Filter…

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#AImeetsBiz – 48 Hours of Coding and Fun

#AImeetsBiz – 48 Hours of Coding and Fun

One Team, one mission: Do something unbelievable within 48 hours … and YES, we did this at the Microsoft Hackathon in Munich! Our plan was to build a platform-supported service. We have set ourselves a use case. An intelligent service must be created in an easy way and typical for use in manufacturing companies. As example, we used a customer who build power generators. Tanks of a diesel generator must be regularly supplied with fuel. Tank monitoring with real time…

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Great Demos with Azure, PowerApps, AI, IoT and Dynamics 365 Business Central

Great Demos with Azure, PowerApps, AI, IoT and Dynamics 365 Business Central

How to explain the benefit of AI and IoT? How to perform it in a customer-event in a context of a classic ERP system? Well, this is an excellent question! Prepare some amazing demos with very common use cases – should be the answer! Everybody likes cookies, especially kids and developers! That’s a good base to start with “Cookie Technology” to explain Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and IoT. The Microsoft Power Platform and Azure empowers the users to create fantastic…

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Small Business and IoT Insides – A Story for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Small Business and IoT Insides – A Story for Dynamics 365 Business Central

An IoT idea direct from my summer vacation in Florida. Real-time information from swimming pools in Dynamics 365 Business Central for a pool cleaning company business. Lots of Microsoft Technology – D365BC, Azure IoT, VS Code with cool extensions, no hardware for IoT but PowerApps and Flow – Let’s see, what I used to setup this example. Setup of Dynamics 365 Business Central The pool cleaning company is a small business like each other service-oriented business. The company offers services…

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